Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on December 07, 2016! Including Hawkeye #1, Inhumans vs X-Men #1, Jessica Jones #3, Batman/TMNT Adventures #2, Reborn #3, Descender
Rockin’ Robbie Billups and John “Hammertime” Holshoe welcome James Lineback and Mike Matthews into the studio to discuss the films of the Coen Brothers.
Rockin’ Robbie Billups and John “Hammertime” Holshoe share their thoughts and reactions to the first Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer from Marvel Studios and Sony/Columbia Pictures!
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on December 07, 2016! Including Batman #12, Clone Conspiracy #3, Nova #1, Star Wars Doctor Aphra #1, Motor Crush #1,
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on November 30, 2016 including Ghost Rider #1, Superman Annual #1, Batman Annual #1, Seven to Eternity #3 and more!
Rockin’ Robbie Billups and John “Hammertime” Holshoe are put on the spot by fans in this Q&A show! What comic book characters should be brought back – retooled
John “Hammertime” Holshoe and Rockin’ Robbie Billups welcome fellow superhero fans Justin Goldsmith and Drew Madsen into the studio to discuss Superhero TV!
Rockin’ Robbie Billups and John “Hammertime” Holshoe are joined by Brooks Gibbs and Jelani Bullard as they discuss Fargo by the Coen Brothers! Support PCP and buy Fargo