Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on September 20th, 2017! Including Batman: The Red Death #1, Wonder Woman/Conan #1, Dark Ark #1, The Wild Storm #7,
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the comic book Descender from Image Comics. Written by Jeff Lemire and illustrated by Dustin Nguyen, Descender is one of the best science fiction
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on September 13th, 2017! Including Dark Nights Metal #2, Mister Miracle #2, Action Comics #987 (Oz Effect), Teen Titans #12,
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on September 6th, 2017! Including Star Wars: Captain Phasma #1, Venomverse #1, Marvel Generations: Iron Man #1, Doom Patrol #8,