Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on November 1st, 2017! Including Batman: The Devastator #1, Batman: White Knight #2, Captain America #695, Black Lightning: Cold Dead
Since our Friday the 13th ranking was popular it was only fitting to do another ranking of a horror film anthology just in time for Halloween. This time
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on October 25th, 2017! Including Batman: The Merciless #1, Action Comics #990 (Oz Effect Part 4), Flash #33 (Bats Out
John “Hammertime” Holshoe, Rockin’ Robbie Billups and Brooks Gibbs discuss and review the 1982 collaboration between Stephen King and George A. Romero – Creepshow!
John “Hammertime” Holshoe and Rockin’ Robbie Billups welcome Justin Goldsmith and James Lineback into Huntsville Attic Studios to discuss the Horror Movies of the 1970s!
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on October 18th, 2017! Including Batman: The Drowned #1, The Mighty Thor #700, Deadpool vs Old Man Logan #1, Batman
Today, on Friday the 13th, we take a look back at the films starring our favorite hockey masked killer and rank them accordingly: Friday the 13th (2009 Reboot)
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on October 11th, 2017! Including Dark Nights Metal #3, Mister Miracle #3, Falcon #1, Amazing Spider-Man #789, Action Comics #989