Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on January 24th, 2018! Including Doomsday Clock #3, Thanos #15, Doom Patrol #10, Legion #1, Abbott #1, The Wild Storm
Rockin’ Robbie Billups, Jelani Bullard and Brooks the Magnificent continue their MCU Rewatch with Thor’s introduction to the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
Rockin’ Robbie Billups recaps the week’s pop culture news for January 21st, 2018! Topics include The Hunt for Wolverine, Deathstroke vs Batman and Action Comics 1000!
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on January 17th, 2018! Including Damage #1, Doctor Strange #384, Days of Hate #1, Batman #39, Mighty Thor #703, James
John “Hammertime” Holshoe and Rockin’ Robbie Billups invite Justin Goldsmith and Mike Matthews into Huntsville Attic Studios to discuss the planes, trains, and automobiles of film and television!
Rockin’ Robbie Billups reviews the new comics released on January 10th, 2018! Including Old Man Hawkeye #1, Mister Miracle #6, Avengers #675, Punisher #220, Detective Comics #972, Action
Rockin’ Robbie Billups, Jelani Bullard and Brooks the Magnificent review and discuss the second film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – The Incredible Hulk!